Friday, 30 September 2011


My role in our group is mainly being the photographer, the reason for this is because I take photography A level, therefore I have more experience in working with the camera and I'm often doing photoshoots anyway so I'l enjoy taking the photos for the album cover etc. Although I would be capturing the images, the whole group wall also have a say in the type of photos and locations, I feel we should all have a fair contribution to each part, I will just try to reflect on the appearance we are looking for when taking the photos. Also, I have my own camera therefore I will be working with something I am familiar and used to. I look forward to taking the photos. Another part I would like to be part of is framing shots and helping out with the filming. I think me and tre will both be part of this as Daniel will be the one being filmed during the performance shots. We will also probably use my camera because in the previous year, when we used it for our thriller sequance, the quality came out really well, it also allows us to play around with the focus. Also, I may take part in the narrative depending on what we decide to do.

I will probably end up with a large amount of photos from the shoot so we have a good variety to choose from. I will then be able to create a contact sheet like the one on the side of Anthony Kiedis and John Frusciante from Red Hot Chili Peppers. These are negatives however my photos will be digital. By creating a contact sheet we are able to view how good they well look printed out although each image will be quite small.

Tre will be mostly working on the ending, reason being because he is good at working out the editing programs and when working with him last year, he picked it up well and there was a good outcome. The fact that he has had the most previous experience on Finalcut or iMovie, allows us to be able to rely on him when it comes to editing, obviously we will all have our say on how shots should be edited, but he mostly be the one putting it all together and doing the technical parts such as cutting the shots, the transitions, the effects. He is easy to work with and can usually succeed in putting across what we want it the editing.

Daniel will be involved in the performance shots, this is because he is part of a band. This highly benefits us, also because of the genre of his band which plays rock music. We can use his instruments and his group to film and act like the famous artists of our music video. This means they will have to really take on the role of having alot of confidence and performing just like the artists we see in the videos. Their performance has to be believable and their lip syncing needs to be right. The group needs to feel comfortable infront of the camera and really get into the music, mimicing the artists we see. For the narrative part of our video, Daniel will probably help with the filming because the band is not needed for this part. His and everyone elses will be contributed into what we do.

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