Thursday, 1 September 2011

Analysis of Rock Video. Bring Me The Horizon - It Never Ends.

I chose to analyse this video because of the editing, it is clear that this music video is full of a variety of different types of editing which near enough makes up the majority of the video and how it is presented. However I chose this because it also challenges the stereotypical interpretation of a rock video involving the band playing and instrumental shots etc. This video strictly followers a narrative focusing on the main vocalist Oli Sykes who plays the patient and only including the accompanied band members as characters who are part of this story.

Narrative of the video discribed by the main vocalist Oliver Sykes:

When looking into this video I discovered the meaning behind the narrative, that it was trying to portray all the set backs that the band faced whilst getting to the point they are now at. Having the vampire characters constantly chasing behind him represents his struggles and people who were seen as barriers to reaching his success as he mentions people like drug dealers or buisness managers. They are all shown as the less pleasant characters which Oli is trying to escape from and by throwing out a body part as shown in the video represents him giving part of him self to them, how they in a way consumed him with all these temptations of drugs, sex etc. In the video we see the nurse throwing the body part out to the vampires as a destraction so he can escape however they manage to catch up with him towards the end and take over which suggests that these negative aspects that have faced the individuals in the band were quite overpowering and a struggle to escape from. I think it is clever to involve a narrative with a personal meaning and the way they have portrayed it is quite creative and different whilst also following a kind of dark evil theme by including these vampires and gore which relates to the image of the band being a rock/metal/screamo band, they have kept to the right image.

What we notice about this video is that there is the use of a green screen, so when editing the video together they are able to put in the background what the creators want which is suitable to the scene. It would be edited so that the foreground shot was placed over the backround shot. Therefore the actor in this case Oli Sykes, would of had to perform as if he was in this insidence, as if he was in this actual place in order for it to look right. For the green screen shots to be successful they would of had to make sure that the set had the correct lighting and that the subject was wearing the right clothing which was not simular to the green screen otherwise he would of blended in with the backround.
These images show them setting up the lights for the green screen and them filming Oli, we see his top is purposfully a contrasting colour from the green screen.

                                     Here is a video showing the footage being film on green screen:
 Here is what it looks like after it's edited together and the background is placed on:

During this video we are shown a variety of sets. The forest in which the ambulance is driving through seems to give off quite a stereotypical feel of a forest being quite scary and dark at night, where when looking into the distance nothing is visible, only darkness lingers through the gaps of the trees. We also see a moon as well which makes the scene quite haunting, relating to the vampire characters. It's also quite gloomy and foggy and the style of the backround used is also quite animated, especially the ambulance so it appears not so realistic which I think was done intentionally, the fact that the movement of the ambulance is so bouncey and crazy also reinforces this but it also emphasises the urgency.

Not only are we presented with a forest setting but also 3 others - A snowy scene, a western type scene and a cloudy scene. The reason for this is to represent Oli being in a dreamy state as if he is floating through different places, as if his spirit is some place else, somewhere more peaceful than the manic scene he is really in. It shows the side of him which is drifiting in and out of contoiusness, this is reinforced by his facial expressions which appear to be quite emotionless, his words seem to have no enthusiasm in them compared to the screaming which we hear.

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