Friday, 9 September 2011

Analysis of 2nd Rock Video. Asking Alexandria - To the stage.

The beginning of this music video starts with opening credits making it alot like a film:
These credits are presented in square blocks making the titles quite bolky, they are also moving quite jagged therefore giving off a destructive unsettled look. The colour of the credits are white with black letters inside. By having white credits, it creates a contrast to the backround allowing it to become more visible. They also flicker and contain quick scratches and grains, complimenting this is a crackling sound overlayed ontop of the repetative high pitched piano building up tension towards the continuos shots following on from this. I noticed that the sound of the track is in sync with the changing of credits. When the same key is hit on every few notes, we are presented with a new credit, they all have the same screen time also. After these credits we see an overall flash back of the night showing the band enjoying themselves, drinking and fooling about, I noticed near the end of this sequance we see more drinks being consumed, and only one shot of the girl which leaves us wondering who she is because we see her last. It is giving us a brief interpretation of the video without giving away too much. This is portrayed through a quick flashing, fast pace flow of shots. The changing of shots are in time with the beat also. The song used in this quick sum up of the night is not the actual song for the music video. I really like this idea of including a type of flash back sequance because it is really manic with a constant flow of shots making the video more exciting avoiding viewer fatigue.

During the opening there is a really well composed shot edited in very slow motion in the background of the credits, the tablet is dropped and the camera captures its fall. They have slowed this shot down so we are able to watch the tablet clearly fall and turn through mid air. Here is another shot in the middle of the video involving the tablet once being dropped in the drink which I though was really well shot and composed and once again editing in slow motion to capture all the detail.
By including a tablet, they are relating to the narrative of the video as it is based on Danny Worsnops drink being spiked so the girl can then take advantage of his drugged up state because he's weak and vunerable at this point, she has control. The narrative relates to the song lyrics because in the first verse it says:
I'm out the door, I'm on my ass again like every night before
I'm off the wall, out of my f****** mind, I'm out of control
I'll be the end of her, I'm in her head and in control
She's let me in, now take a sip and let the show begin
These lyrics reflect Dannys intoxicated state shown in the video, however it also tells us that he is in control of her head whilst out of his possibly suggesting that her actions will haunt her, that she won't get away with what she's done and this shadow of guilt will linger and he will take his revenge and 'be the end of her' which could be the reason why at the end of this video it says 'to be continued..'
After the opening sequance and the flashback of the night, we are shown a subtitle saying '30 minutes later..' setting us back before all this happened. We are introduced to Danny and because he is the only person on screen for the first part of the story we automatically assume that he plays a big role. In this scene we hear dialogue, there is a sound bridge from the blank subtitled screen to when we are shown the phone call. The fact that the dialogue says
This video consists of alot of fast contionuos shots, the speed is really built up near the end. Whilst filming they would of had to take alot of shots from different angles to create this hectic fast pace flow of shots when editing. This is like the climax of the video, where it all ends up. Danny is in trouble and falling out of consciousness.

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