Narrative of the video:
This lyrics in this video are about a girl who has to sell sex to survive. Kind of a shout out to the darkness that exists in this world, that people often refuse to realize. It also has references to the bible with the song being about plagues, quoting in the lyrics
'So clap your hands to the sound
Of every first born dying now.
Watch the rivers turn to blood,
Death will stand where life once stood.'
The meaning in the song is very dark, you could say it's anti christ however I think it is more telling us that it is time for a plague after all the sins that have been committed in the world.
Mise en scene:
Black is a consistant colour which consumes the frame with a lot of darkness. All the subjects are surrounded by this harsh blackness, an absence of light through the whole video. Even though the subjects are lit up, the surroundings don't take in any light. It is complete darkness. Giving them no particular set and allows us to just focus on whatever is being shown in the frame because this plain black gives us no destraction. This blackness also fits in with the genre because dark colours are associated with the rock, metal genre. It is also hides what's in the darkness, covering up Oli when he steps back, making him blend in with the surroundings as he is wearing a black top too. He is only visible when the flickering light is shined on him. This flickering, flashing light creates a manic, eratic mood, also possibly quite destructive, it is only focused on him. WIth him only being visible in the light and otherwise not seen creates a connection with darkness, suggesting that Oli is a dark character. As well as black being an over powering colour in this video, red is also quite consistant too alongside this. The colour red can symbolise; sin, guilt, pain, passion, blood, and anger which highly relates to the meaning of the song including words such as 'Death' and 'Blood'. Black and red are also very gothic colours once again relating to the rock genre. Emphasising this red blood relating approach is the edited blood splats and the red heart. Black and red is the main colour scheme for this video. The disturbing girl in the video is also dressed in a red dress, automatically feeding us a sinful, evil, devil like representation. She moves very anxtiously, in a sharp, jagged, twitchy motion. Appearing derranged and distressed. She puts a bag or something over her head, shutting herself away from everything, she then carries on these stranged movements, as if she is being posessed and out of control, stretching and positioning herself awkwardly.
Camera Work:
The camera work in this music video is quite simple. The camera is placed still on a tripod positioned directly infront of Oli in a mid shot. He then moves about as well as having the flashing light on him. The effect of these two combined themselves create enough movement without the need of any motion of the camera. There are some birds eye view shots of the drummer and the girl moving about allowing us to see these subjects from above. There also some close up and long shots of the girl where once again the camera is stationary. Only now and again are purposly shakey shots emphasising this manic, destructive mood.
Camera Work:
The camera work in this music video is quite simple. The camera is placed still on a tripod positioned directly infront of Oli in a mid shot. He then moves about as well as having the flashing light on him. The effect of these two combined themselves create enough movement without the need of any motion of the camera. There are some birds eye view shots of the drummer and the girl moving about allowing us to see these subjects from above. There also some close up and long shots of the girl where once again the camera is stationary. Only now and again are purposly shakey shots emphasising this manic, destructive mood.
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