I tried to find a music video which interpretates the idea I am trying to explain. I remembered the music video for 'Breakeven' by 'The Script' done something exactly like I'm picturing for this video. Even though the genre of music is alot different and calmer, it can still be used in ours for quick cut aways. Here is a sample from the Breakeven video, you can see shots of the girl comes up various times:
This would depict what is going on in his head, we could also include short length and fast paced shots which create a manic busy feel that relates to the mood of the song, being quite angry and agressive. Having alot of built up fustration because he is trying to find himself and by having her in the picture, it is aggravating him. There could be a particular part in the song which is building up and suited to fast paced shots on a faster beat.
I cropped the part of the song that I thought was most suited to a build up of shots. Previously, when analysing one of Asking Alexandrias songs 'To The Stage', I really liked this fast sequance of shots near the end and from then I really wanted to use it for the video I would be making. Now that we have chosen the song I felt that this type of shot sequance suits the narrative as well as the sound.
Both of these videos that I have used as examples depict two diffferent narratives, in the 'Breakeven' video it shows shot of the women looking innocent and natural where as aa's video, 'To The Stage', it shows quite a dirty, sinful character. I think it would be quite good to put both of these extremely opposite personalities together in our video to represent this one girl. The cut away shots of the girl could start off quite innocent and beautiful, but then as the song goes on the personality could switch - suggesting that the longer she is around, the more trouble he will cause her, turning her into a different person, being evil and dominating. Or if we followed the different interpretation of the narrative, it could depict her driving him mad, constantly being in his mind and taking over. Appearing as if she is teasing the camera and acting manipulative, sneering and laughing at the camera as if she is laughing at the fact that she is causing this insanity to him.
As this song is aggresive and brings out a sense of fustration, I think it would be relevent to include some distructive kind of shots in the video. We could possibly show the guy being worked up and letting out his anger around him. This impact of violance and anger could be portrayed in a shot of breaking object. If we was to capture something like glass smashing on the ground, making sure every piece was captured, it would look really dramatic. If we were to do this I also think it would emphasise and show off the shot more by adding a slow motion effect. Here is an example of this type of shot in one of Asking Alexandrias previous music videos for 'The Final Episode', although the object would be purposly broken rather than accidently like in this video:
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