Friday, 21 October 2011

CD Cover Designs

As a group we discussed ideas on how we wanted our CD cover to appear. We thought about the concept of our chosen song but also kept in mind that the whole album isn't going to follow the same story line as that. However we gathered that a theme of anger and destruction would be present throughout the album therefore our images are going to portray quite a violent, dark look. We decided to call the album 'Bonded By Blood', this relates to the aggressive, destructive theme we are following. We may possibly include a blood like substance as a prop in our photo shoot so we are then linking the appearance of the album to the concept. We discussed how it would be presented and thought that we should involve the blood with the girl that could link to a majority of the songs in the album because our chosen song 'Breathless' involves the idea of a girl tormenting and consuming the mind of one of the band members.
This is a photo I took previously in my photography work. As a group we decided that we should use this cold, deteriorating cracked surface on our subjects when in the editing process. I think it looks effective because it is very dark and enforces this destructive theme because in our music video we are including objects breaking, we are reflecting this idea through the album cover by making the skin break.  We are also debating on editing the skin to possibly open up and reveal something in the underneath layer.

Another idea we had was a photo shoot of eerie looking, cold moonlit shots in the woods which relates to the potential setting of our music video with our band surrounded by trees and in our narrative part of the video, the main character walking through the trees trying to clear his mind from this girl. The set for this shoot would be quite haunting and dark. It is important that we include dark tones because it is one of the main conventions in our chosen genre. This photo shoot would focus more on the bands image and be mostly about them.

For our band name, we thought of a few possible titles after finally coming to a conclusion of naming the band 'Aftermath of Ignorance'. We came up with this by searching song names that we already knew and making a list of possible choices. This seemed like the best option and the most likely to be a band name therefore we went with that.

This is an album cover that we all liked the look of, it is gory and violent which sticks to the conventions of the expected appearances in the rock genre. It doesn't give a way much but depicts the destructive and agressive theme we want to portray as we are interpretating the song we are looking at as quite angry and full of fustration as the main motive is about someone struggling to find themself and not being happy with who they are therefore they are hurting the person who they may love which causes him to feel fustrated and worked up. As if he is screaming, we want this kind of mentally unstable issue, that we have interpretated, to be an accuring theme in the album. I feel this album cover is depicting the sense of anger and fustration and portraying it in a violent, gruesome manner. The use of blood also relates to our idea for the images in the inside of the album. I know I would try my best to try and recreate something like this on photoshop as I am slightly experienced in using the programme although it would be a bit of a challenge. However this is not a definate decision, it is just an idea.

This is a video of us working on our sketches for the appearance of the album. We put all of our ideas together so we could see what would work best and if we could link certain elements.

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