- Your reflection on year 12 into 13 is really detailed and thoughtful. You have carefully considered your strengths and weaknesses, and I am very pleased to see that you feel you have improved and that the class were supportive of you when filming.
- Your contribution on the day was outstanding. Well done.
- You have not acted on the feedback that Mrs Jarrett gave you last time. You should make sure you do this and it will help with the content and presentation of your blog so far, and will ultimately help you to develop your blogging skills for future posts.
- You should upload the photos of you from the day of the shoot and use them to help make your 12 into 13 post visual.
- You should write WWW/EBI of the day and your role (remember you were also dance coach)
- You should upload the planning documents that you produced when preparing for the day.
- You should upload the screen grabs/photos of you using final cut and reflect on your first experiences with it.
Due Thursday 21/7
You should upload your finished in the sun edit
You should write, record and upload a commentary analysing your in the sun final edit.
There is a lot of work missing Elenya. You will need to make sure that you catch up and you complete the work on time in future. This is the level of work that you will need to complete every week throughout the A2 year so it is important that you stay on top of the work and do your improvements right away.
EFFORT - PR (though the year 12 into 13 post is GD)
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