Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Q3: - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Whilst undertaking the research stage of my advanced portfolio, I had to carry out audience research which allowed me to gain more knowledge and understanding of what was expected of a rock genre. To gather my information, I created a survey on google plus which allowed me to send it on to other friends by email. From the results, the most obvious answers I found was that music videos are not actually as important to the 4 out of 5 people I asked.  Also, that the way they listen to their music is mostly through new media technologies, with Youtube, Itunes and Other being the top choices, chosen by all 6 people. We also discovered that people prefer videos containing more performance shots focusing on the band itself rather than narrative or both.
Here are the top keywords that were noted down by each person when asked a word that comes to mind when thinking of the rock genre:-
- The highlited words are the ones in which we included within our music video.

After having a confident understanding of my rock genre, becoming familiar with it's conventions and supporting this with audience feedback to know what others expect, it helped me to plan appropriate ideas that were suited to the expectations of a rock genre and I was able to reflect upon this information through out my work.

After our music video was finally completed, I was curious to discover the feedback from the audiences. Ever since the viewing of my video, I have received many compliments towards it, and decided to record some of the audiences reflecting on my work and discussing their positive thoughts and criticism towards the video.

From this audience feedback, I have learned that out our music video was not only successful in my oppinion but also to the audiences. The positive feedback that we mostly received was how the video was edited, mentioning how the shots were fast pace, cut really well and fitted to the music. The lighting, shot types and the use of flashbacks were also mentioned as a good aspect of our video. The only criticism we received was the mise en scene in the bedroom shots, with the fact that the protagonists clothes were not exactly fitted to the genre and a bit out of place, I could of improved this by properly planning out his outfit to fit our genre.

Here is the audience feedback I received when uploading my video onto facebook:

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