Thursday, 12 April 2012

How effective is the combinations of your main product and ancillary texts?

Both our main product and album have a close relation in the fact that they are based around one girl. In our music video, the audience should experience a distant relationship with this character as her role adds a sense of curiosity and mysteriousness to the video. She creates a sense of uncertainty and should make the viewers feel quite uneasy and cautious as to who she is, they should also pick up on the fact that she is up to no good, portraying quite menacing characteristics. Even though this character may not be the most dominant through out the video, she certainly acts as the back bone to our narrative and the foundation from where all of our ideas sprang off from. Another music video from the rock genre that includes a character similar to this is Bring Me The Horizon’s video ‘The Sadness Will Never End’. Here is how she is portrayed in the video:

The presence of this character holds similar principles to the girl in our video. We see her lurking around the trees depicting quiet and innocent personality until this assumption is contradicted and we see more of a dark, evil side to her. 

Our video includes a similar narrative. During the beginning of our video, she is gradually introduced, consuming more screen time as the video goes on to eventually build up the character she plays.    

This theme continues on in our ancillary taks. The whole album art work consits of a female character who extends this this evil, unearthly feel. Much like the video, every part of our album is persistant in creating a sense of curiosity. It invloves a girl covered in blood which raises the question of why she is in this state. Her face is expressionless, giving away little to the audience emphasising their desire to know why she is involved with this. The costume in the front cover is simular to our music video in the fact that both subjects are wearing black dresses and as I have previously studied, black is a very dominant convential colour of the rock genre. It also supports her dark menacing characteristic which is reflected within the music video. Having her associated with blood also reflects this sinful, mischievous personality as well as following the convention of the rock genre involving alot of gore or dark art in a majority of it's art work. Also, by including this blood in our mise en scene it provided a strong contrast against the variation of colours within the frame and in the front cover it also has a strong comparison to the pale skin of which it sits on. Here are some examples of real album covers that use a simular technique and composition as ours, (with the album on the left being of a rap/rave genre and on the right, a rock genre from which the artists videos I have studied into alot):

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What I notice about both of these albums is that the female characters seem to be the focal point of each cover, making these women a strong, simplistic, representation of each album which is very similar to the link between my music video and ancillary task, with the character that I played being quite a dominant controlling character in the narrative, as well as the whole of my album cover being focused on one girl. By having this over balancing gender through out my album covers increases the sexual appeal it may have on certain audiences, despite who this may concern, this possible attraction will obtain audiences and help influence the recognizability towards the album. Even if there is only one distinctive appeal towards an album cover, it still strengthens our memory of it and our opinion of that album based on how appealing it may be to the individual. Audiences may not necessarily experience a sexual connection to the subject in my work, but also the feel of envy and admiring the character herself, to be looked upon as an inspiration to the people of which this genre appeals to.

Not including the band in our entire album is what makes our ancillary task conventional to our genre. It is common to find the absence of the band within the actual album art work within the rock genre. We also didn't feel like it was necessary to do so, and that continuing on with the existence of this dominant female character would be what would make this album explicit to it's narrative of which we imagined would faintly continue on through out the whole album, defying the album to the video it'self.

Pictures to gif

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